Our Clients' Words About Revolution Corporate Wellness
I travel for work and have always struggled with what to eat while relying on airport foods, conference luncheons, and restaurant menus. I thought I was doing okay with my selections, until I took a workshop with Revolution Corporate Wellness and learned that my "New York Diet" of coffee shop breakfasts, excessive caffeine, and carb cravings was killing my adrenal glands. (Truthfully, I didn't know I had adrenals until then.) Now, I have a lot more knowledge about foods and what they do to/for my body. I plan ahead. I feel great. I did not completely cut out caffeine, but I don't need it to get through my day anymore. I am thankful that our Wellness Committee challenged me to make time for this series. My previously skeptical and "inconvenienced" self had no idea that this information would actually change my life.
Andrew O.
Electrical Engineer
Eden Prairie, MN
As a serial dieter, I had tried everything. I was on Weight Watchers™ for many years and spent tons of money on popular meal programs. Nothing worked. When I started working with Revolution Corporate Wellness, I learned that I had been viewing food entirely wrong. It was no wonder I had failed so severely for so long. I was one of the "fat-phobic" women of the '80s. After only a few weeks of eating healthier and actually eating fats, I couldn't believe how much energy I had and how my constant hunger had gone away. My only regret is not learning this information at the age of 20.
Jolynn B.
Customer Service Representative
Waconia, MN
Revolution Corporate Wellness truly strives to enlighten and encourage people who are uneducated or struggling in the area of nutrition. Many of [their] ideas have opened my eyes, and everyone on our team took something valuable away from the recent corporate wellness program presented by Revolution Corporate Wellness. We really enjoyed the program; topics were relevant and customized for our group.
Lisa O.
Human Resource Manager
Chaska, MN